Telephone Interpreting Relay Service

On-demand telephone interpreting for non-English speakers

At DA Languages, we aim to break down language barriers in every part of life. This is why we have introduced the telephone interpreting relay service.

Our telephone interpreting relay service enables non-English speaking members of the public to make calls in their own language to organisations, by first being connected to an expert interpreter.

Once you have been connected to an interpreter, the interpreter will forward the call on to the required organisation. This service enables accurate and efficient conversation between both the member of the public and the professional they are calling, from the very beginning of the call.

How to use the telephone interpreting relay service

1. Contact your Direct Dial number (unique to your language).

2. Dial in the unique PIN code for the organisation you need to reach. Find the organisation in the list below and click on their name to find the PIN.

3. An interpreter will pick up your call and introduce themselves.

4. Tell the interpreter the name of the organisation you wish to contact and the telephone number.

5. The interpreter will speak to the staff member and let them know they will be interpreting for you.

6. Begin your phone call. The interpreter will communicate each thing you and the professional say throughout the call.

Select the organisation you need to contact to see their PIN

  • Organisation name
  • Organisation name
  • Organisation name
  • Organisation name
A woman is sat down wearing a white shirt. She has her smartphone to her ear as if on a phone call and is smiling.
A small white globe on a desk.

About DA Languages

DA Languages is a dedicated language service provider with 25 years’ experience delivering first-class translation and interpreting services. We provide expert support in over 450 languages and dialects.

Read more about telephone interpreting, our languages and how to get in touch

Get in touch

Call us on 0161 928 2533 or drop us a message using our form.